airbnb differentiation strategy

April 28, 2023 1:39 am
Similar to inviting friends, we can see it in the main menu in the mobile app when signed in. In fact, when they do charge, they actually review and suggest which pictures you go with for maximum impact. For such a competitive space, Airbnb is considered one of the more competitive players. It was all about trusting people, not logos. I think one great way of doing this is by sharing content that is unique and not the same content that youve previously shared on your Facebook Page or Instagram feed. Airbnb have been running Dynamic Ads for reservations for a number of years now, with them even being featured in a Facebook case study on this back in 2017 where they reported a 3X increase in return on ad spend and 47% lower CPAs using the Dynamic Ads objective. But its one that many businesses wouldnt have made, and I think it speaks volumes to the type of business Airbnb see themselves as. Social proof to ensure those interested that other people are happy with their experience as a host. In the coming months, Airbnb is expected to become a listed company, with an initial public offering netting enormous wealth . That's what Airbnb has bet on since 2008, when a three-member team of designers and an engineer set out to solve the essential problem of where to stay. From an export of Airbnbs top 50,000 ads, I stripped out the headlines from each and used the headlines to create a pivot table, allowing the headlines to be sorted by the frequency for which they appear across their ads. In practice, this means that someone who searches for phi phi islands accommodation triggers an Airbnb ad that speaks to phi phi island accommodation specifically, and directs the user to a landing page that focuses specifically on phi phi island accommodation with upcoming availability. Netflix has exclusive content, Airbnb has exclusive homes, and Cameo offers access to a su Ive seen many websites where the image looks wonderful but affects the functionality of the website, and I think its criminal. This traction is reflected in the Google Trends graph for the past 5 years for the term airbnb. I wouldnt say Airbnb have exhausted their growth when it comes to accommodation rental, but most travellers are aware of who they are and what they offer. Its a beautiful image and has a lot of visual impact, It evokes an emotion happiness, humor, nostalgia, etc, It tells a captivating story (image and/or caption). Airbnb are very active on Instagram they share content to their Feed as well as to their Instagram Stories. Im now shown a ranked list of recommendations with comments from Airbnb hosts and a Google Map with pins corresponding to each place. Another potential reason for the spike in organic traffic could be the other marketing efforts Airbnb were actioning toward the end of the 2017 for example, its common for organic search for a brand to increase following targeted online and offline campaigns, such as TV commercials, radio ads, and increased digital marketing budget. The experiences section is very clear these are the top rated experiences around the world. Last year, Forbes estimated the business to be worth $31bn (23bn). You can see why Airbnb purposely placed Facebook & Whatsapp icons next to the short link. Based on Airbnbs amount of branded anchor text, they are in the safe zone, but should be conscious of the percentage skew when progressing with their backlick strategy in the future. Acquiring hosts through the hosting community is paramount when it comes to scaling the platform globally and, equally as important, retaining them. The primary contributing factor appears to have been through keyword ranking growth, which as anyone who has followed our other case studies will know can be influenced by a number of other activities, such as onsite optimisation, backlink profile, and content marketing strategies. In 2011 Airbnb had to come up with an urgent answer to this very important question when a host in San Francisco reported that their house was trashed after renting it out for a week. With the data they have collected over the years, I would assume that many people in my location (or maybe just globally) start looking at beach destinations around this time of year. Either way, the content is highly relevant to the search term and the location which certainly cant hurt. To counter this, they created a premium product called Airbnb Plus. Airbnb have also gone down this route, creating an @AirbnbHelp account which is their go-to account for all customer service related issues. Innovation is at the core of how we operate at Webprofits, always looking for a smarter + better way of helping our clients drive record-breaking growth through digital marketing. When the breadcrumb structured data is not implemented correctly, it looks instead like this. Certainly not at the expense of anything else that was already there. Who doesnt want more money for their holiday or accommodation, right? Who wants the same question asked over and over again? Get points. The information that Airbnb highlights here is interesting (as most of it is, again, written by the host). Why would people globally care about tours in Melbourne, or suggest property management services in the area? In a study conducted by KPMG, they found that alongside integrity from brands, personalisation is of key importance to Australian consumers when it comes to customer experience (CX). Unfortunately, I think it misses the mark, again. If we go back to the referral page, under the Import from: Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook, the ability to share your referrals via a link whether direct or via social channels is evident as another option for users to share their content. They go beyond typical tours or classes by immersing guests in each hosts unique world. Its a very similar UI to the desktop platform which is done by design. Could do better. Cynics will say it comes down to price, and in a lot of instances theyre right. Their job as a business is to promote the properties (and the hosts) so that people want to book them. browse homes. It also fits well with Brendans findings on branded keyword targeting vs generic location targeting, as Airbnb is not showing higher in the organic results for generic terms and thats where theyre putting the majority of their advertising budget on Google (73%). The company produced an event in Seoul, Korea, that celebrated beautifying Airbnb spaces with terrariums. I also obtained a few values for each search term like average CPC, estimated traffic and average position: You can view the sheet here, as well as the raw keyword data if youre interested in doing your own analysis. This is clever by Airbnb. Carmelon Digital Marketing. To sign up as a host compared to being a guest, theres a lot more involved in terms of trying to convert them. This review has been completed using publicly available information on the internet. (We will check out the mobile app later). Curated like a blog feed of suburbs within a chosen city, Neighbourhoods is a more visual version of an old fashioned street directory. Added all the other Case Studies also to my to-read-list. This is high, and suggests that the term accommodation best reflects how users are searching and what resonates with their target audience, instead of language like home sharing or holiday home. Download Free PDF. Then theres a summary about the property, written by the host themselves. Which of the following choices best describes Lennie's . Theyve done this so well that theyve become synonymous with non-hotel accommodation booking, and created a new way to travel. There are several marketing strategies like product innovation, pricing approach, promotion planning etc. The examples weve highlighted here show how Airbnb convey their values in order to resonate with an audience who also have strong values that inform their purchasing decisions. Not only that, but its a bit boring. Make sure to plan carefully for the best results. Well, press Send, duh! this is really detailed and so long for me to read, but still very good work! A platform business model can be defined as a "business model that focuses on helping to facilitate interactions across a large number of participants" [2] In case of Airbnb, participants are host who offer their . There were several terrarium-making stations open for participants to come up and try. But why are they so important? This is why improving their generic [location] accommodation organic keyword rankings should be a focus for the Airbnb marketing team, with a recommendation being a more aggressive content marketing strategy. there is limited differentiation found among the companies' core business models. The only assumption we have is that its more effective in terms of conversions for Airbnb. Airbnb partnered with local photographers to really capture the essence of the area from a native perspective, inspire viewers, and create a connection to the locale. If they were a service business, they would target [city name] + [service A] and then [city name] + [service B] and so on.. Smart play Airbnb. b) The keywords that your competitors are ranking for on page 1 that youre on page 2+. Our Airbnb 2022 predictions: The "Live Anywhere" theme has crept up into Airbnb's announcements since 2020. Both are discoverable in the footer of their main site: Blog and Airbnb Citizen. Beyond that, I would go as far to say that Airbnb want to enable their customer base to more easily be able to live it, as opposed to just seeing it, reinforcing one of their key brand messages. Developing content that will receive backlinks without your internal marketing team having to do any work should be the goal of every website but organic presence and your brand can have a huge impact on this, as people will not find your amazing content unless you are either performing well for relevant search terms organically, or someone is already on your website due to your brand presence and finds the content because you promote it on relevant, high traffic service pages. When we turn our attention to the caption, were met with some descriptive copy which helps to further set the scene, but theres also a mention of the Superhost, Manuela, whose amazing property this is. How do you convince people to open up their home and allow guests to stay? Cultivating community and maintaining trust among stakeholders is one of the solid bases of Airbnb competitive advantage. Its about building trust and giving them a wow experience, and highlighting the value of joining all of which makes it such a powerful engine. User experience, word of mouth and self-regulation are at the center of its strategy. Airbnb have put a lot of work into designing a marketplace that is built on trust. Then you suddenly see a McDonald's and it becomes your choice of food because it is a safe bet an. In December 2017, Australia passed legislation to recognize same sex marriage, following a survey in which more than 60% of respondents voiced support for it. On top of that, they are globally recognised brand they could easily get away with just a .com + language switch based on your IP. Airbnb have an extensive paid search account with the majority of the spend going towards terms that feature accommodation as a keyword. However, as this Title Tag is longer than the 60 characters allowed for by Google on Desktop search, what is actually seen by the user can be seen below: This results in a less than optimal user experience, which could be impacting their click-through and their rankings. Airbnb has established a clear onsite content strategy which aims to engage and inspire their guests to stay on the platform and book a bed or experience. In a differentiation strategy Airbnb Model can seek to be unique in its industry by providing a value proposition that is cherished by buyers. Thats way more than a roof, 4 walls, and a bed. On average, Airbnb post every 3-4 days on Facebook, in comparison to Instagram where they post almost daily. As to how people are arriving at this section of the site, this is likely through organic search, email traffic, and social promotion. The fact that Airbnb have this content at all is a testament to their commitment of giving their users the feeling of living somewhere rather than visiting it. The vision statement of a company goes hand in hand with the mission statement. Many global brands are still trying to work out ways to build & integrate successful community marketing initiatives as part of their overall marketing strategy. What has Airbnb done well? Signing up can take a bit of time. In particular, note the header and sub header. Theyre spending their budget on users who have shown high intent, and show them highly relevant ads to increase the chance of conversion. offers a larger selection of options than, and has also created within their website a huge resource of linkable content and images, which have both greatly assisted with the development of their backlink profile. 11. Ive chosen to analyse Airbnb property pages as I feel these are the closest thing they have to products. I suspect it comes down to volume. If a user has shown some interest in a particular product, why not show them similar ones that meet relevant criteria? Image source: Getty Images. In order to normalize the behavior of staying strangers's homes and to host unknowned people, Airbnb put efforts in conveying the content of truthful experience to the public through their storytelling platforms (Midenhall, 2015). Ive looked at Sydney. This is strategic corporate giving at its best. The next best-performing page is Melbourne, Australia with 1.9% of the total traffic, and 479 ranked keywords. And, get this, the recommendations come straight from Airbnbs hosts (Authentic? 2. 539,000 backlinks from approx. For example, if Airbnb shares a video which relates to Japan and this gets 50k views, creating an audience of viewers who watched 75% or 95% of this video would be great for their next Japanese-themed post, as they know these people are interested in video content to do with Japan. Airbnb business level strategies. The form is simple and captures the bare minimum the search results page later can be used to refine what youre looking for, but in the first instance lets just find out where youre going, when youre going, and who youre going with. Airbnb Plus is a selection of only the highest quality homes with hosts known for great reviews and attention to detail. While we focused on how it was done via email invitation, its a very similar process when sharing the link directly with friends. The form itself is also very simple. There are a number of tactics Airbnb can use to continue improving their keyword rankings, such as: Its important to note that due to the sheer size of the site from a page, keyword and link perspective that its unlikely Airbnb will be able to match or overtake their position or brand presence. How cool is that? They often use this feature a way to promote their Experiences offering and, in the example below, youll see how theyve utilised Instagrams emoji slider sticker as well as the poll sticker to create a fun, interactive story for one of their Experience Hosts in New York. These experiences are presumably curated based on their recommendation engine, and this email can be dispatched to all users for which there are adequate Airbnb Experiences in their destination to populate the email. Ive seen/heard of some properties that havent been kept very well, are lacking basic holiday features, or dont look very good. They also seem to have this automated, as they share many of the exact same photos and captions on Twitter posts as they do on Facebook. Log in or create an account, if you haven't already done so. Airbnb isnt a place where you book hotels (even though you can). I think people who book an Airbnb in LA would also consider New York, San Diego and the other options. But from SEMrush we can see that organic growth has been stagnant for the last year. One element that does change to my advantage is the navigation bar. Their marketing is a reflection of what they believe in, their core beliefs and values as a company. Weve now deep-dived into how the mechanics work when inviting a user as a referral to the platform, but what else can we find on the page where we can invite friends? As you can imagine we have a lot of different data points on our users. This section is particularly important to have on the site. Today, on any given night, 200,000 travelers are staying in private rooms around the world thanks to arrangements made through Airbnb's online platform. And like most marketplace sites, the buyer often wants information about the supplier to know if whats on the page can be trusted. Referrals have played an integral role in the overall growth strategy of the company and falls directly under the Growth Team Philosophy Our users tell the story better than we do. This is pretty standard for most product pages, but Airbnb do it well. This sequence is triggered when a user logged into the website starts looking at a city they wish to visit, or particular homes in that city, but has not proceeded to check-out. But its not just enough to have those locations you need to be in the top 2 to 3 organic positions on Google to really capture high traffic volumes. The final call to action is also positioned with low intent language: Ultimately, I like how Airbnb have approach their landing page strategy and Im sure the breath of dynamically generated pages as well as their recommendation engine was resource intensive. As documented in this study, Airbnb is no longer a one trick pony. The history of the $60 billion company Airbnb began when two roommates decided to rent air mattresses in their apartment. This content truly differentiates Airbnb from the big hotel booking sites, highlighting interesting places in different cities. The button stands out in red with a white background, and the CTA search explains very clearly whats going to happen when I click on it. Now, it makes sense why some threads seem large with the amount of comments. Airbnb have stuck to their guns by getting existing users and loyal consumers to become the advocators by becoming contributors. The short answer is yes, but heres why. Would be exceptional if Airbnb are basing these recommendations based on average cost per night of previous bookings or the booking value of similar users. Airbnb's marketing strategy leverages every opportunity to communicate its value while remaining warm and inviting. Lacking a strong organic search strategy and missing fundamental CRO elements: Airbnb is not activity driving organic traffic to the stories nor converting any readers which may land here. Moreover, the report contains analyses of Airbnb leadership, organizational structure and organizational culture. There are some great tools out there for advertisers that can automate this process for you, including Boosterberg and AdEspresso. . Well come back to this shortly, but this is a great example of message-matching at scale. Airbnb is far more than a platform to find inexpensive hotel accommodations. Airbnb have kept the mechanics simple when it comes to referrals. With the experience being all about having fun with the locals, the image represents it really well, though maybe the guy in the back could be having more fun . Sure, they can nurture better and convert more customers, but they needed a way to keep growing their revenue that isnt reliant on just one product. Im glad to hear you get a lot of value out of them, This is probably the best case study Ive ever seen for a long time. Airbnb should review and update their Title Tags and Meta Descriptions to fit the length parameters provided by Google . Their ad copy speaks to their unique points of difference and so stands out from their competitors, which one would assume would lead to significantly better performance. a) The keywords your competitors are ranking for that you are not. Next, lets take a look at the experiences. By positioning themselves as a way to experience travel, rather than as an accommodation booking engine, they were able to connect with a segment of the travel market who felt their options were fairly limited. The whole experience was streamlined. Its part of their larger strategy to become an everyday check in, providing users with content and experiences that are woven into their day-to-day lives. Since its inception . This will help spur users once they get a couple of referrals to keep getting more users signed up if they want more credit. Long-term stays, i.e. "Designing for reintermediation . Airbnb have built a hugely successful business off the back of understanding what their customers want/need, and then providing products that match them. The organic visibility of the Airbnb website can be attributed to both the growth in the number of keywords ranking to positions on page 1 of Google and the increased backlink profile of the site which assists with driving third party referral traffic to the website. Building a community is one of the most powerful assets a company or brand can build. 3 key pieces of information about hosting in other words, 3 USPs. Email alerts to notify you of discounts offered by hosts: 2. They dont all have 5 star ratings, and the number of ratings they have is quite varied. Given the saturation of online paid media & costs to acquire new customers, Airbnb identified that building an engine to create more word-of-mouth from those who had experienced Airbnb was crucial to finding a solution. Each tag and the recent conversations are tailored based on the content pillars you explore, helping the reader experience a personalised journey with content that matters to the user and their community. Both personas have a very simplified UX for sharing via email or a custom link. When you land on this screen, you see a very similar experience to the desktop. Next, Ive clicked on Food Scene and then Cafe and Coffee Shops. As we can see, its a much longer email compared to the guest referral email, but still some core elements in the email to keep it personalised: However, there are some other elements that have been included, such as: So, why were these 3 extra elements included for hosts but not for guest referrals? All of this is inspected by a real person so youre ensured of its accuracy. Live there. The pricing strategy used by professionals. As a travel company, cultural celebration is at the heart of Airbnbs business model. The travel industry disruptor currently uses machine learning to improve search, prevent fraud, help hosts optimize pricing, match users with the most relevant listings and other practices vital for the business. Technology has become a major differentiator in the 21st century and businesses that have leveraged the power of technology have grown faster than the others. Interesting. Brand strategy examples. It is a cornerstone of Airbnb business strategy. Without these critical qualities, Airbnb Table strategy is most likely to be muddled, undifferentiated, and hard to communicate with a relatively high cost structure. For Lectures As weve alluded to earlier in the article, Airbnb are expanding horizontally into experiences. These 300-400 word stories are poignant snapshots of how an Airbnb users life has been impacted by using Airbnb while travelling and immerses potential travellers in the spirit of adventure, curiosity and connection. Airbnb showcase four 4.5 star homes in Santa Monica that have availability for the dates I selected. Of course, without insights from Airbnb I can only assume this is the case! A great example is their multi-national Share a Coke campaign, in which they printed out cans and bottles with the 250 most popular names in each country. The use of the word unique is what I find particularly interesting they could have gone with a number of different adjectives that could be used to describe a home. Also worth noting the low intent call-to-action. 1. Even if this is not done on purpose, I think this is clever, as it allows the user to imagine themselves there. Then underneath, we dont see the email option to send a personalised invite right away. Airbnb has also included a number of videos and photos into the content to illustrate experiences or locations, and links lead back to the main site to strengthen ties with Airbnbs services (where its natural or useful for the reader). If Airbnb Plus is an example of a product upsell, their Experiences are a great example of a cross-sell. I see social media advertising, particularly Facebook Ads, playing a major role in this strategy and being one of the best channels for Airbnb to: These two stages of the Host journey feature in what Airbnb refers to as the List Your Space (LYS) flow: Airbnbs concept of multi-touch attribution for a hypothetical user journey. And once you press Share your Link, you come to this screen. When we start a business or a new brand, it is essential to aim for a long-term payoff for all our efforts and investments A sustainable ROI. The location is pretty interesting too; it evokes a feeling of adventure, of doing something different. Im not 100% sure of the exact reason why we can only see this for now. Many disgruntled customers use the comments section as a way to complain; this is seen across numerous industries, but Airbnb is clearly trying to show that they are a brand focused on customer service and experience, as they try and reply to most of these types of comments. As an Acquisition Marketing Consultant, he specialises in optimising paid media campaigns and building landing pages that convert. If we compare their current 0.60% engagement rate to the Humans of New York account, we can see a real difference here. One thing that is noticeable however is how low the engagement on this section is compared to the previous one. Lets look at a few more interesting email marketing use-cases. In these two views, you see Pending based on the invites sent out and Available with the Credit and coupons available to use. Great read! This in turn will have an overall positive effect on the website if the Experience pages continue to be optimised over time, particularly with the inclusion of internal linking to the relevant accommodation pages on the website. Lets start with the layout of the referral page. Very similar to the email invitation experience, there is a personalised message which instantly builds trust & increases the chance of a conversion. But that wont be enough, theyll need a comprehensive backlink strategy to appear authoritative and rank for the relevant keywords. Their methods are not unique to them, and with a bit of strategy you too can reap the benefits of their successes. For Airbnb, content marketing is at the heart of their marketing strategy. Without a look at Airbnbs marketing calendar and a review into their campaigns, its hard to determine exactly what other efforts Airbnb may have actioned at the time to result in such an increase. Trap 6 - Equating Market-Creating Strategies with Differentiation. This shows that in terms of success, branded keywords currently play a huge role in their organic success, and should continue to be a primary driver of organic traffic in the future. And then down the bottom, I see very easy instructions with simple steps of how the process works. It sure was a long time ago. They may not own any of them or have significant control over what is said on the pages, but they can choose to lay them out in a way this is most likely to lead to a booking. Its accuracy send a personalised invite right away last year, Forbes estimated business! Can imagine we have is that its more effective in terms of trying to convert them when it comes referrals. Have shown high intent, and with a bit of strategy you too can reap the benefits of their site! Ensured of its accuracy in or create an account, we dont see the email invitation its! All of this is really detailed and so long for me to read, this! 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