what was caligula's brain fever

April 28, 2023 1:39 am
2009-2021 Historic Mysteries. Conditions that may be described as brain fever include:Encephalitis, an acute inflammation of the brain, commonly caused by a viral infection.Meningitis, the inflammation of the membranes. Evidence for Caligula's life is sparse, as the work of Tacitus for this period is lost. It has been Seneca's various works give mostly scattered anecdotes on Caligula's personality. He directed much of his attention to ambitious construction projects and luxurious dwellings for himself, and he initiated the construction of two aqueducts in Rome: the Aqua Claudia and the Anio Novus. One of the wrecks included a lead pipe bearing the inscription Property of Gaius Caesar Augustus Germanicus. It is uncertain whether it was Allied or German troopswho cause the fire thatlargely destroyed the ships in 1944. and appointed a priest to serve him. Philo's works, On the Embassy to Gaius and Flaccus, give some details on Caligula's early reign, but mostly focus on events surrounding the Jewish population in Judea and Egypt with whom he sympathizes. Caligula: a neuropsychiatric explanation of his madness. "Dr Who star David Tennant given his big break by Midland theatre boss". To gain funds, Caligula asked the public to lend the state money. Caligula had the heads removed from various statues of gods located across Rome and replaced them with his own. [26] Caligula was proclaimed emperor by the Senate on 18 March. He hated being the grandson of Agrippa and slandered Augustus by repeating a falsehood that his mother was conceived as the result of an incestuous relationship between Augustus and his daughter Julia the Elder. Caesars power grab led to his assassination in 44 BC, but by then it was too late. Pliny the Elder's Natural History has a few brief references to Caligula. It's easy to see how this description might have come about. [92] According to Philo, the visit was met with jeers from the Greek population who saw Agrippa as the king of the Jews. The two older brothers of Gaius were Nero and Drusus. Shawn Ashley Spoilers The synopsis below may give away important plot points. But, in the end Rome would not stand for such a leader. He finds out that Macro was grooming Gemellus for the throne if anything should happen to Caligula. [50], According to Suetonius, in the first year of Caligula's reign he squandered 2.7billion sesterces that Tiberius had amassed. According to Cassius Dio, living emperors could be worshipped as divine in the east and dead emperors could be worshipped as divine in Rome. Med Hist. Did a Lost Roman Legion Wind Up in Liqian, Northwestern China? [74], Details on the Mauretanian events of 3944 are unclear. Also, his madness belongs to a discourse which originates mainly from the senatorial narrative that sought to discredit him through any means possible. [73] This confusion might mean that Caligula decided to divide the province, but the division was postponed because of the rebellion. [60], At Syracuse, he repaired the city walls and the temples of the gods. [137] Nonetheless, these lost primary sources, along with the works of Seneca and Philo, were the basis of surviving secondary and tertiary histories on Caligula written by the next generations of historians. "[29] Caligula was loved by many for being the beloved son of the popular Germanicus[28] and because he was not Tiberius. [128] These wounded conspirators were treated by the physician Arcyon. 38 CE: Early in the year, Caligula forced his father-in-law, Gaius Silanus, and young Gemellus, grandson of Tiberius, to commit suicide by accusing them of treasonable activities. We thank you for your interest in this question, and your patience in waiting for an in-depth and comprehensive answer to be written, which takes time. . Fabius Rusticus and Cluvius Rufus both wrote condemning histories on Caligula that are now lost. All surviving sources, except Pliny the Elder, characterize Caligula as insane. He was the son of Germanicus and the future emperor spent his early years on military campaigns with his father. Earlier chroniclers who actually lived under Caligula, namely Seneca and Philo, make no mention of this type of behavior despite their harsh criticism of the emperor. Careers. Caligula awakes from his coma in January 38 C.E. Ancient historians state that Caligula began falsely accusing, fining and even killing individuals for the purpose of seizing their estates. Herod Antipas confessed and Caligula exiled him. Caligula's Early Years. Historic Mysteries is an Amazon Associate and earns from qualifying purchases. [8] After the death of his father, Caligula lived with his mother, Agripinna the Elder, until her relations with Tiberius deteriorated. [132] They were unable to reach Caligula's uncle, Claudius. His father was the famous General Germanicus; his mother was Agrippina, the Elder. Caligula is often remembered as a selfish and capricious ruler whose ineptitude weakened the Roman empire during his four-year reign. The Death of Caligula (Jan Luyken / Public Domain), https://www.thegreatcoursesdaily.com/caligula-the-embodiment-of-cruelty/, https://www.museumcenter.org/the-curious-curator/2020/6/19/caligula-mad-or-misunderstood, https://www.magellantv.com/articles/sex-and-violence-in-rome-caligulas-empire-and-the-salacious-rumors-that-built-it-. In his The Twelve Caesars he further added: [84] The Temple of Castor and Pollux on the forum was linked directly to the imperial residence on the Palatine and dedicated to Caligula. If the illness caused his madness, then it is easy to see how dangerous it can be to concentrate power in one man. This site needs JavaScript to work properly. When he arrived at the age of manhood he endured fatigue tolerably well. [98] Jews were angered by the erection of a clay altar and destroyed it. Lake Nemi is a place of astounding natural beauty: situated some 300 metres above sea level, the lake . [43] During the same year, though, Caligula was criticized for executing people without full trials and for forcing the Praetorian prefect, Macro, to commit suicide. [70], In 40, Caligula expanded the Roman Empire into Mauretania,[2] a client kingdom of Rome ruled by Ptolemy of Mauretania. Interesting history topics are just a click away. Publishing Editor. Caligula fell ill from fever at the same time as his wife's pregnancy with a daughter, and he would recover; however, Julia Drusilla collapsed from fever as his daughter Drusilla the Younger was born in a public ceremony. Caligula, on the other hand, was a boisterous young man in his mid-twenties. His younger sisters were Julia Drusilla, Agrippina the Younger, and Julia Livilla. [9] To the surprise of many, Caligula was spared by Tiberius. [27][28], Caligula is described as the first emperor who was admired by everyone in "all the world, from the rising to the setting sun. [96] Philo of Alexandria reports that Caligula became ruthless after nearly dying of an illness in the eighth month of his reign in 37. [97] Disputes occurred in the city of Jamnia. His younger sisters were Julia Drusilla, Agrippina the Younger, and Julia Livilla. [48] Caligula began auctioning the lives of the gladiators at shows. [22] In 35, Caligula was named joint heir to Tiberius' estate along with Tiberius Gemellus. [6] Gaius reportedly grew to dislike the nickname. [55] These improvements may have been in response to the famine. Caligula was accosted in his palace on 24 January, 41 AD by officers of his Praetorian guard, and stabbed to death. [68] Additionally, Tiberius' treason trials had eliminated a number of pro-Julian senators such as Asinius Gallus. [33] Caligula's first acts were said to be generous in spirit, though many were political in nature. [96] Riots again erupted in Alexandria in 40 between Jews and Greeks. [74] The first known equestrian governor of the two provinces was Marcus Fadius Celer Flavianus, in office in 44. Claudius granted a general amnesty, although he executed a few junior officers involved in the conspiracy, including Chaerea. [87] Caligula's religious policy was a departure from that of his predecessors. The reign began with good feelings all around, since Caligula declared an amnesty for all Romans imprisoned or exiled under Tiberius, posthumously restored honor to his mother and brothers, and stopped the treason trials, getting rid of the informers in the process. Caligula : I have existed from the morning of the world and I shall exist until the last star falls from the night. The ancient historians, upon whom we rely for our knowledge of Caligula, regarded him as a lunatic and laid the cause of his tyrannical actions to insanity. Soon the soldiers gave him the affectionate nickname Caligula, which meant little boots owing to the caligae or small boots that he wore. "Before the . Please read the rules before participating, as we remove all comments which break the rules. The original 1979 movie was scripted by the writer and historian Gore Vidal and featured a host of stars including Helen Mirren, Peter O'Toole and Sir John Gielgud. to 41 C.E. He emerged a very different person and would wander his palace throughout the night, his head pounding. Born Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus on 31 August 12 AD in Antium, Italy, Caligula was the third child among the six surviving children of the Roman general Germanicus and Agrippina the Elder. There are several details in Caligula's biography that support this argument. We have records from Herod Agrippa and others who knew him before and after and it seemed like he suffered some sort of brain damage from the fever. Reply . But its cause is ultimately unclear. In a now lost portion of his Annals, Tacitus gave a detailed history of Caligula. Abandoned Lifeboat on Bouvet Island: Mystery Solved! Available at:https://www.thegreatcoursesdaily.com/caligula-the-embodiment-of-cruelty/, Shirkey, L, 2020. Translations in context of "brain fever" in English-French from Reverso Context: I fear it's another brain fever. [51] However, some historians have shown scepticism towards the large number of sesterces quoted by Suetonius and Dio. Agrippa was rewarded with his territories. "Daily life in the Roman City". [5] The soldiers nicknamed him Caligula ("little [soldier's] boot"). Rampaging through Rome committing murder, adultery and acts of debauchery, his reign came to an abrupt end when he was brutally assassinated after only four years. Remembered as a cruel and erratic tyrant, his deranged tendencies threw Rome into chaosand eventually caused his violent end. Our sources just say he was seriously ill for a month. Recent sources say that Caligula probably had encephalitis. One of the Roman Empire's most notorious characters was its third emperor, Caligula. In October of 37 C.E. [68] Caligula reviewed Tiberius' records of treason trials and decided, based on their actions during these trials, that numerous senators were not trustworthy. Dictys of Crete: Was There a War Reporter Bonnie Prince Charlie and the Battle of Culloden. According to Suetonius, Caligula's body was placed under turf until it was burned and entombed by his sisters. There are records of Herod Agrippa detailing his relationship with a young Caligula. Alkhurma hemorrhagic fever Abbreviation: AHFV A tick-borne hemorrhagic fever caused by a flavivirus, first identified on the Arabian peninsula. [138] Cluvius Rufus was a senator involved in the assassination of Caligula. [134] Claudius became emperor after procuring the support of the Praetorian Guard. Caligula's death marked the official end of the Julii Caesares in the male line, though the Julio-Claudian dynasty continued to rule until the demise of his nephew, Nero. Whether all the cruel acts of Caligula are completely or partially true is a question that remains unanswered. [27] He accepted the powers of the principate and entered Rome on 28 March amid a crowd that hailed him as "our baby" and "our star", among other nicknames. One month after his accession, his grandmother, Antonia, died. [38] He had his cousin and adopted son Tiberius Gemellus executed an act that outraged Caligula's and Gemellus' mutual grandmother Antonia Minor. There were a number of freedmen in his close circle who attained considerable influence: Helicon, his chamberlain; Apelles, a tragic actor; and most wealthy and powerful of all, Callistus, a kind of imperial secretary. Praxis (Bern 1994). However, according to Josephus, when the ship carrying the statue was still underway, news of Caligula's death reached Petronius. Although Gaius was named after Gaius Julius Caesar, he acquired the nickname "Caligula" ("little caliga", a type of military boot) from his father's soldiers during their campaign in Germania. And here, an intriguing possibility arises: were the worst excesses of Caligula a fictitious smear campaign, put about to justify his death? [35][36] Caligula collected and brought back the bones of his mother and of his brothers and deposited their remains in the tomb of Augustus. Twice a week we compile our most fascinating features and deliver them straight to you. She is said to have committed suicide, although Suetonius hints that Caligula poisoned her. [84][85], He would appear there on occasion and present himself as a god to the public. [Emperor, comet and catastrophy - the <> plague and the end of antiquity]. Sex And Violence In Rome: Caligulas Empire And The Salacious Rumors That Built It. Cassius Dio's work is invaluable because it alone gives a loose chronology of Caligula's reign. Additionally, there are only limited details on later significant events, such as the annexation of Mauretania, Caligula's military actions in Britannia, and his feud with the Roman Senate. [58] Later, he began the construction of aqueducts Aqua Claudia and Anio Novus, which Pliny the Elder considered to be engineering marvels. Caligula's father Germanicus, the nephew and adopted son of Emperor Tiberius, was a very . [97] Jews were accused of not honouring the emperor. October, 37 CE: Caligula fell seriously ill, with what was described at the time as a brain fever; there was great mourning in Rome, and much joy at his recovery. HHS Vulnerability Disclosure, Help If you are referring to brain fever as a fever where the normal regulation of body temperature by the brain is out of whack, then that can happen by a variety of reasons. [152][153] Based on scientific reconstructions of his official painted busts, Caligula had brown hair, brown eyes, and fair skin. There is some evidence that his assassination had political motives, and that some of the assassins sought advancement for themselves in the removal of Caligula. Suetonius. 2016 Apr;57(Pt B):238-42. doi: 10.1016/j.yebeh.2016.01.008. Unable to load your collection due to an error, Unable to load your delegates due to an error. [37], In October 37, Caligula fell seriously ill or perhaps was poisoned. Caligula also minted coins in Drusilla's honor (scroll down on this page to see a coin featuring the three sisters of Caligula). In the manner of the eastern monarchs, Caligula had Drusilla deified; she was the first Roman woman ever officially declared a deity, but her divinity did not survive his reign because he had so egregiously flouted Roman precedent (in contrast, when Claudius had Livia deified, he emphasized her role as diva Augusta, wife and mother of emperors). [30] Suetonius said that over 160,000 animals were sacrificed during three months of public rejoicing to usher in the new reign. When Germanicus died under suspicious circumstances, Agrippina boldly accused one of his rivals of poisoning him. [131] Uncomfortable with lingering imperial support, the assassins sought out and killed Caligula's wife, Caesonia, and killed their young daughter, Julia Drusilla, by smashing her head against a wall. 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