nanking massacre death toll

April 28, 2023 1:39 am
From Jurong to Tangshan (two cities in Jiangshu Province, China), Mukai had killed 89 people while Noda had killed 78. Durdin stated "[i]t should be said that certain Japanese units exercised restraint and that certain Japanese officers tempered power with generosity and commission," but continued "the conduct of the Japanese army as a whole in Nanjing was a blot on the reputation of their country". These figures also do not take into account those persons whose bodies were destroyed by burning, drowning or other means, or whose bodies were interred in mass graves. Estimates of the number of victims vary based on the definitions of the geographical range and the duration of the event. [31] His more specific range of figures is roughly 160,000 to 170,000. When I appear they give the excuse that they saw two Chinese soldiers climb over the wall. A People's Liberation Army honor guard bearing large funeral wreaths marched slowly past a memorial showing the figure 300,000, China's official death toll in the events of December 1937, as . [50] In their view Honda, who had previously put forward the idea that more than 100,000 people were murdered in the city of Nanking alone, was failing to prove his argument and therefore sought to extend the boundaries of the massacre until a larger figure for the death toll could be achieved. Two girls, about 16, were raped to death in one of the refugee camps. The first three weeks were more intense. Now, in the winter, the season gives time to reflect. Historical revisionists and nationalists in Japan have been accused of minimizing or denying the massacre. Chinese soldiers were summarily executed in violation of the laws of war. On 10 February 1938, Legation Secretary of the German Embassy, Rosen, wrote to his Foreign Ministry about a film made in December by Reverend John Magee to recommend its purchase. [29], The Japanese either destroyed or concealed important documents, severely reducing the amount of evidence available for confiscation. Nanjing Death Toll Graph. They were also tried by the Nanjing War Crimes Tribunal. ", "Case 13 December 18, 4 p.m., at No. In the University Middle School where there are 8,000 people the Japs came in ten times last night, over the wall, stole food, clothing, and raped until they were satisfied. . China on Monday marked the 84th anniversary of the Nanking Massacre, in which hundreds of thousands of civilians and disarmed soldiers were killed by Japanese troops in and around the former Chinese capital. The Nanjing Massacre (simplified Chinese: ; traditional Chinese: ; pinyin: Nnjng Dtsh, Japanese: , romanized:Nankin Daigyakusatsu) or the Rape of Nanjing (formerly romanized as Nanking[note 2]) was the mass murder of Chinese civilians in Nanjing, the capital of the Republic of China, immediately after the Battle of Nanking in the Second Sino-Japanese War, by the Imperial Japanese Army. He met with division commanders, lieutenant-generals Kesago Nakajima and Heisuke Yanagawa, who informed him that the Japanese troops had almost completely surrounded 300,000 Chinese troops in the vicinity of Nanjing and that preliminary negotiations suggested that the Chinese were ready to surrender. Their stories and those of the German residents tell of the city having fallen into the hands of the Japanese as captured prey, not merely taken in the course of organized warfare but seized by an invading army whose members seemed to have set upon the prize to commit unlimited depredations and violence. "[65] Thousands were led away and mass-executed in an excavation known as the "Ten-Thousand-Corpse Ditch", a trench measuring about 300m long and 5m wide. According to reports, Japanese troops torched newly built government buildings as well as the homes of many civilians. Official war journals and diaries were also published by Kaikosha, an organization of retired Japanese military veterans. American missionary John Magee stayed behind to provide a 16mm film documentary and first-hand photographs of the Nanjing Massacre. [40], However, the expansion of the definition of the Nanking Massacre to include areas outside of Nanking has not been without controversy. [86] Some of the concealed information was made public a few decades later. [7] By mid-November, the Japanese had captured Shanghai with the help of naval and aerial bombardment. This rejection of the committee's ceasefire plan, in Rabe's mind, sealed the fate of the city. [3] After capturing Shanghai the Japanese Army decided on December 1 to continue its military campaign to the capital city of the Nationalist government of China, Nanking, which is roughly 300 kilometers west of Shanghai. She said that the people of China "don't believe that an unequivocal and sincere apology has ever been made by Japan to China" and that a written apology from Japan would send a better message to the international community. [20], Today many mainstream historians concur that this estimate is exaggerated. [169] In the 2010 Japan-China Joint History Research Committee meeting, scholars from the Japanese side set the maximum possible number of civilian victims at 200,000, with estimates of around 40,000 or 20,000. This resulted in widespread looting and burglary.[73]. The lack of resistance from Chinese troops and civilians in Nanjing meant that the Japanese soldiers were free to divide up the city's valuables as they saw fit. U.S. news correspondents F. Tillman Durdin and Archibald Steele reported seeing corpses of massacred Chinese soldiers forming mounds six feet high at the Nanjing Yijiang gate in the north. Bates, Miner Searle", "International Memory of the World Register Documents of Nanjing Massacre", "New film has Japan vets confessing to Nanjing rape", 1937 Japanese Field Commander's Map of the Battle of Shanghai, China, "Analyzing the "Photographic Evidence" of the Nanking Massacre (originally published as Nankin Jiken: "Shokoshashin" wo Kenshosuru)", The Good Man of Nanking: The Diaries of John Rabe, "War and reconciliation: a tale of two countries", "Jurist Paper Chase: Japanese court rules newspaper didn't fabricate 1937 Chinese killing game", "The scars of Nanking: Memories of a Japanese outrage", "Five Western Journalists in the Doomed City", "Chinese Fight Foe Outside Nanking; See Seeks's Stand", "The International Committee for the Nanking Safety Zone: An Introduction", "Genocide in the 20th Century: The Rape of Nanking 19371938 (300,000 Deaths)", "Special Report: How the Nanjing Massacre became a weapon | GRI", "Basic Facts on the Nanking Massacre and the Toyoko War Crimes Trial", "HyperWar: International Military Tribunal for the Far East [Chapter 8]", "Japanese Imperialism and the Massacre in Nanjing: Chapter X: Widespread Incidents of Rape", American Goddess at the Rape of Nanking: The Courage of Minnie Vautrin, "Why the Past Still Separates China and Japan", "HyperWar: International Military Tribunal for the Far East (Chapter 8) (Paragraph 2, p. 1015, Judgment International Military Tribunal for the Far East)", "25 July 1946. The bodies of civilians that I examined had bullet holes in their backs. The U.S., which served as the melting pot of cultures and is home to descendants of members of both Chinese and Japanese cultures, took up the mantle of investigator for the victimized Chinese. [21] The IMTFE stated that a total of 155,300 corpses were buried in and around Nanking after the fall of the city, based on statistics from the Red Swastika Society and the Chongshantang, though many historians now discount the accuracy of the burials recorded by the Chongshantang. [7] At the same time soldiers of the Japanese Army also committed random acts of murder against civilians, and engaged in rape, arson, and looting. They also murdered hundreds of thousands . Shortly after the surrender of Japan, the primary officers in charge of the Japanese troops at Nanjing were put on trial. They killed him immediately with a revolver and also Mrs. Ha, who knelt before them after Ha's death, begging them not to kill anyone else. [138], During the 1970s, Katsuichi Honda wrote a series of articles for the Asahi Shimbun on war crimes committed by Japanese soldiers during World War II (such as the Nanjing Massacre). One of the books by Hs, Documents of the Nanking Safety Zone, was also adduced in court. [94] Wakabayashi concludes that estimates of over 200,000 are not credible. [147], On June 19, 2007, a group of around 100 Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) lawmakers again denounced the Nanjing Massacre as a fabrication, arguing that there was no evidence to prove the allegations of mass killings by Japanese soldiers. English Articles. They accused Beijing of using the alleged incident as a "political advertisement". They do not mention sexual assaults. [180][181][182], Dockworkers in Australia were horrified by the massacre and refused to load pig iron onto ships heading for Japan, leading to the Dalfram Dispute of 1938. [20] In 1938 the Red Army of the Chinese Communist Party reported the total death toll at 42,000 massacred. [38][39], In his final analysis, Tokushi Kasahara looks at documents and diaries recorded by soldiers of the Japanese Army and concludes that at least 80,000 Chinese soldiers and POWs, or possibly over 100,000, were massacred by the Japanese, which was most of the estimated total force of 150,000 soldiers. [156] Trade between the two nations is worth over $200billion annually. [76], By February 5, 1938, the International Committee for the Nanking Safety Zone had forwarded to the Japanese embassy a total of 450 cases of murder, rape, and general disorder by Japanese soldiers that had been reported after the American, British and German diplomats had returned to their embassies:[77], It is said that Rabe rescued between 200,000 and 250,000 Chinese people.[78][79]. Jones, Paul. Just better. On December 13, about 30 soldiers came to a Chinese house at No. A People's Liberation Army honour guard bearing large funeral wreaths marched slowly past a memorial showing the figure 3,00,000, China's official death toll in the events of December 1937, as . Bob Tadashi Wakabayashi (New York: Berghahn Books, 2008), 382384. [31] However, some historians have variously argued that Smythe's figures are either underestimates or exaggerations of the true civilian death toll. The Chinese scholars of the committee maintained that at least 300,000 were killed. . [74], The Japanese troops did respect the Zone to an extent; until the Japanese occupation, no shells entered that part of the city except a few stray shots. He further argued that he had directed his army division commanders to discipline their troops for criminal acts, and was not responsible for their failure to carry out his directives. [143], He offered his apology to all survivors and to the relatives and friends of the victims. "Japanese Atrocities Marked Fall of Nanking After Chinese Command Fled." "[47] Here are two excerpts from his letters of 15 and 18 December 1937 to his family:[48]. Two bayoneted corpses are the only survivors of seven street cleaners who were sitting in their headquarters when Japanese soldiers came in without warning or reason and killed five of their number and wounded the two that found their way to the hospital. [33][note 3]. Anger over the events at Nanking . We estimate at least 1,000 cases a night and many by day. According to the International Military Tribunal for the Far East, estimates made at a later date indicate that the total number of civilians and prisoners of war murdered in Nanking and its vicinity during the first six weeks of the Japanese . [121] He was found guilty of war crimes, sentenced to death, and executed by shooting on 26 April 1947. Hata takes Smythe's figure of 12,000 civilians killed, but notes that perhaps only 8,000 were confirmed massacre victims. Friday December 17 2021, 10.25am, The Times. In China today most estimates of the Nanking Massacre range from 200,000 to 400,000, with no notable historian going below 100,000. Fifteen of the remaining 22 foreigners formed a committee, called the International Committee for the Nanking Safety Zone in the western quarter of the city. Outside of . [66], The Hui people, a minority Chinese group, the majority of them Muslim, suffered as well during the massacre. It took an hour for the sounds of death to stop and even longer for the Japanese to bayonet each individual. He assigned Asaka to Nanjing as an opportunity to make amends. [65], Nevertheless, the Chinese government has maintained a hard line on its estimate of 300,000 victims. THE NANKING MASSACRE - Page 4: Defining the victims. Other members of the International Committee for the Nanking Safety Zone who took the witness stand included Miner Searle Bates and John Magee. It was truly a regrettable act of barbarity. The Nanking Massacre, commonly known as the Rape of Nanking, was a war crime committed by the Japanese military in Nanjing, then capital of the Republic of China, after it fell to the Imperial Japanese Army on December 13, 1937. During the chaos following the attack of the city, some were killed in the Safety Zone, but the crimes that occurred in the rest of the city were far greater by all accounts. However, they feared that speaking out openly "would be detrimental to their careers. [124], In 1947, Toshiaki Mukai and Tsuyoshi Noda, the two officers responsible for the contest to kill 100 people, were both arrested and extradited to China. Since the late-1960s when the first academic works on the Nanking Massacre were produced, estimating the approximate death toll of the massacre has been a major topic of scholarly debate. Kasahara generally concludes that the death toll must have been well over 100,000, and possibly around 200,000. [36], From December 13, 1937, the Japanese Army engaged in random murder, wartime rape, looting, arson, and other war crimes. [61], On 5 February 2009, the Japanese Supreme Court ordered Shd Higashinakano and the publisher Tendensha to pay four million yen in damages to Mrs. Shuqin Xia, who claims to be the 7- or 8-year-old girl who appears in Magee's film. On the other hand, they fail to include corpses that were destroyed rather than buried and thus underestimate the death toll. An official from South Korea said they would summon the Tokyo ambassador to protest. In the latter process we are glad to cooperate in any way we can. (1939), Documents of the Nanking Safety Zone (reprinted in, Kajimoto, Masato "Mistranslations in Honda Katsuichi's the Nanjing Massacre". The horrific events are known as the Nanjing Massacre or the Rape of Nanjing, as tens of thousands of women and girls were sexually assaulted. [26], In a memorandum for the palace rolls, Hirohito singled Prince Yasuhiko Asaka out for censure as the one imperial kinsman whose attitude was "not good." [51] This definition, though considerably larger than the IMTFE's, keeps the massacre contained to "Nanking" without including cities on the outskirts of Shanghai like Suzhou and Wuxi which Honda does include. Although the death toll exceeds the immediate number of deaths from the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (140,000 and 70,000 respectively, by the end of 1945) and even the total civilian . In regard to the number of victims of this Nanjing Massacre the Tokyo (War Crime) Trials later found it in excess of 200,000, and prosecuted Japan's responsibility severely", reads one Japanese textbook. A bar graph comparing four different claims for the number of non-military victims of the Nanjing Massacre, as well as the death toll claims of six different groups. The prosecution began the Nanjing phase of its case in July 1946. He agrees with Hata that Chinese soldiers actively engaged in combat were not massacre victims, but he also includes in his definition of the massacre any Chinese soldiers who were killed on the battlefield but not actively resisting, noting that many confrontations between the Chinese and Japanese Armies were more like one-sided slaughters than battles. Therefore, according to journalists Asami Kazuo and Suzuki Jiro, writing in the Tokyo Nichi Nichi Shimbun of December 13, they decided to begin another contest to kill 150 people.[40]. However, death toll estimates vary widely with some ranging as low as 40,000 . [90], Numerous factors complicate the estimation of an accurate death toll.[91][92]. At the Tokyo Tribunal of War Criminals, the Nanking Massacre death toll was presented either as "more than . Following the outbreak of the Second Sino-Japanese War, the Japanese Imperial Army marched from Shanghai to the Chinese capital city of Nanking, and though a large number of Chinese POWs and civilians were slaughtered by the Japanese following their entrance into Nanking on . Please give us help. Photo in the album taken in Nanjing by Itou Kaneo of the Kisarazu Air Unit of the Imperial Japanese Navy, A picture of a dead child. The American ambassador in Hankow replied that although he supported Rabe's proposal for a ceasefire, Chiang did not. The victims were blown up with landmines, then doused with petrol and set on fire. In light of the 40,000 corpses which Hata believes were buried in and around Nanking, he estimates the total death toll at between 38,000 and 42,000 POWs and civilians. [21] By contrast Bob Wakabayashi sets the bar higher and believes that the estimate of 40,000 victims put forward by Ikuhiko Hata is the lowest reasonable estimate of the total death toll and considers numbers below this to be attempts at minimizing the atrocity. Many historians including Kasahara view incidents like these where the Japanese fired upon retreating troops to be atrocities, whereas Hata sees them as extensions of combat and not massacres. [56][57] Robert O. Wilson, a physician, testified that cases of gun wounds "continued to come in [to the hospital of University of Nanjing] for a matter of some six or seven weeks following the fall of the city on December 13, 1937. In a press release to foreign reporters, Tang Shengzhi announced the city would not surrender and would fight to the death. [158], Many Japanese prime ministers have visited the Yasukuni Shrine, a shrine for Japanese war deaths up until the end of the Second World War, which includes war criminals that were involved in the Nanjing Massacre. In response, Shichihei Yamamoto[140] and Akira Suzuki[141] wrote two controversial yet influential articles[clarification needed] which sparked the Japanese Negationist movement. . Currently, the most reliable and widely agreed upon figures place the massacre victims within Nanjing City Walls to be around 40,000, mostly massacred in the first five days from December 13, 1937; while the total victims massacred as of the end of March 1938 in both Nanjing and its surrounding six rural counties far exceed 100,000 but fall short of 200,000. Following the outbreak of the Second Sino-Japanese War, the Japanese Imperial Army marched from Shanghai to the Chinese capital city of Nanking, and though a large number of Chinese POWs and civilians were slaughtered by the Japanese following their entrance into Nanking on . On trial with them was Gunkichi Tanaka, a captain from the 6th Division who personally killed over 300 Chinese POWs and civilians with his sword during the massacre. Durdin, who worked for The New York Times, toured Nanjing before his departure from the city. In 1947 at the Nanking War Crimes Tribunal, the verdict of Lieutenant General Tani Hisao , the commander of the 6th Division quoted the figure of more . The contest continued because neither had killed 100 people. [2][3][4][5] Beginning on December 13, 1937, the massacre lasted six weeks. They bayoneted one little boy of eight who [had] five bayonet wounds including one that penetrated his stomach, a portion of omentum was outside the abdomen. and Japanese historian Fujiwara Akira put the final toll closer to 200,000. . The total death toll of the Nanking Massacre is a highly contentious subject in Chinese and Japanese historiography. [29][31], The third type of source is Japanese military records, which recorded the number of POWs the Japanese Army executed. On December 13, 2009, both the Chinese and Japanese monks held a religious assembly to mourn Chinese civilians killed by invading Japanese troops. "[101] However, this estimate includes an accusation that the Japanese Army murdered 57,418 Chinese POWs at Mufushan, though the latest research indicates that between 4,000 and 20,000 were massacred,[102][103] and it also includes the 112,266 corpses allegedly buried by the Chongshantang, a charitable association, though today mainstream historians agree that the Chongshantang's records were at least greatly exaggerated if not entirely fabricated. Recent. Hui volunteers and imams buried over a hundred of their dead following Muslim ritual. [12][63][64] Bob Wakabayashi concludes from this that estimates over 200,000 are not credible. The massacre finally wound down in early 1938. [citation needed], The remembrance of the massacre has evolved drastically in China. By the time they had arrived at Zijin Mountain, Noda had killed 105 people while Mukai had killed 106 people. Honda believes all those atrocities that were committed on "the road to Nanking" were part of the massacre. I think he will live. After the war, multiple Japanese military officers and Kki Hirota, former Prime Minister of Japan and foreign minister during the atrocities, were found guilty of war crimes and executed. ", "Case 14 On December 16, seven girls (ages ranged from 16 to 21) were taken away from the Military College. 19471218: pp. They believed the 300,000 toll typified a "Chinese-style exaggeration" with disregard for evidence. China's Rising COVID-19 Death Toll Satellite images suggest a higher number of deaths as China suspends short-term visas for South Korean and Japanese travelers in a retaliatory measure. The death toll of 300,000 is the official estimate engraved on the stone wall at the entrance of the "Memorial Hall for Compatriot Victims of the Japanese Military's Nanking Massacre . During the massacre, she worked tirelessly in welcoming thousands of female refugees to stay in the college campus, sheltering up to 10,000 women. You hear nothing but rape. [21][31][34] According to Smythe's survey, as many as 12,000 civilians were killed within the city of Nanking plus another 26,870 in the rural counties outside Nanking. War crimes during the Internal conflict in Peru: 61,007 [see notes] [9], The Nanking Massacre was reported internationally within a week of occurring[10] and the first estimate of the full death toll was published on January 24, 1938, in the New China Daily. In the meantime, members of the Committee contacted Tang and proposed a plan for three-day cease-fire, during which the Chinese troops could withdraw without fighting while the Japanese troops would stay in their present position. . I personally feel sorry for the tragedies to the people, but the Army must continue unless China repents. All we are asking in our protest is that you restore order among your troops and get the normal city life going as soon as possible. [73], According to Canadian scholar David Bruce MacDonald, the higher range of estimates of over 100,000 victims are more likely to be accurate,[74] whereas by contrast the Irish historian LM Cullen argues that the lower range of estimates, which put the death toll in tens of thousands, "are probably the most credible. The incident occurred near the Kuling Ssu, a noted temple on the border of the Refugee zone". The Chinese scholars of the committee maintained that at least 300,000 were killed. Although Koizumi denied that he was trying to glorify war or historical Japanese militarism, the Chinese Foreign Ministry accused Koizumi of "wrecking the political foundations of China-Japan relations". The Nanking Massacre was an episode of mass rape and murder committed by the Japanese troops against the residents of Nanking, then the capital of the Republic of China during the Second Sino-Japanese War. The slaughter of civilians is appalling. [57] The most credible scholars in Japan, which include a large number of authoritative academics, support the validity of the tribunal and its findings. American vice consul James Espy arrived in Nanjing on January 6, 1938, to reopen the American embassy. [27], On December 5, Asaka left Tokyo by plane and arrived at the front three days later. According to the Mainichi Shinbun, this is a photo of Nanking citizens wearing armbands of the flag of Japan and giving cheers to the Japanese military on the day of its Ceremonial Entry into Nanking on December 17, 1937.. Takashi Yoshida asserts that, "Nanjing has figured in the attempts of all three nations [China, Japan and the . [6] Over the course of its subsequent occupation of Nanking the Japanese Army hunted down the former Chinese soldiers within the city and in a large number of cases summarily executed them. All of them were hanged on 23 December 1948. He further added that aspersions were cast regarding the authenticity and accuracy of burial records and photographs presented in the Tokyo War Crime Court, which the Japanese government claimed were fabrications by the Chinese government, artificially manipulated or incorrectly attributed to the Nanjing Massacre. A press release to foreign reporters, Tang Shengzhi announced the city '' were part of the Nanking -. Chinese Command Fled. in 1938 the Red Army of the victims were blown up with landmines, doused. And friends of the committee maintained that at least 1,000 cases a night many. Left Tokyo by plane and arrived at the front three days later ]... Even longer for the Nanking Safety Zone who took the witness stand included Miner Searle Bates John. Below 100,000 over 200,000 are not credible subject in Chinese and Japanese historiography Jiangshu Province, China ) 382384... 2021, 10.25am, the massacre the season gives time to reflect the winter, the to. 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