revelation 3:10 commentary

April 28, 2023 1:39 am
Christ is no longer the loved and only object of the heart; nor is there the sense of the blessedness of His coming, which leads into waiting for Him; still less is there a glorying in weakness that the power of Christ may rest on them. 13 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches. (a) It denotes the Holy Spirit with his sevenfold gifts, an idea founded on the description of the Spirit in Isaiah 11:2. Ephesus does not, nor Smyrna, nor Pergamos: the only semblance of it is in threats of present judgment. Hence, evidently, there is a comprehensive term employed with divine wisdom, "to show unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass." Sardis was still a wealthy city. "Why not?" First, their Jewish antagonists would eventually have to acknowledge that the Christians were the true followers of God (cf. The unwelcome visitation of a thief would be utterly incongruous if they were enjoying the sweet hope according to His own word, that He is coming for them quickly. These are the men that Christ shall stoop from his throne to honour: they that have trifled with his word shall be lightly esteemed: they that have wilfully broken one of the least of his commandments, and have taught men so, shall be least in the kingdom of heaven. They have been firm and steadfast in their confession of the faith once delivered unto the saints, and the Lord who gave them the grace to be so will give them yet more grace as the recompense of their fidelity. On this pillar shall be recorded all the services the believer did to the church of God, how he asserted her rights, enlarged her borders, maintained her purity and honour; this will be a greater name than Asiaticus, or Africanus; a soldier under God in the wars of the church. I have added it all up, and I count the reproach of Christ to be greater riches then all the treasures of Egypt." God's word was there to deal with human conscience. We eat our way into the word of God, we live upon what we learn, tunnelling through the truth with receptive minds. "And he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John.". I am inclined to think that the hour of trial embraces the whole Apocalyptic period; that is, not merely the awful time when Satan in a rage is expelled from on high, and when the beast, energised by him, rises to his full head of power, but the previous period of trouble, seduction, and judgment. The Roman Christians are men who have been brought from death to life ( Romans 6:13). It was precisely because He did that Daniel received so exceptional an honour. (v) The Christian must be on the watch against false teaching. 1:19 + ). If so, some people ought to be very good by this time, for they have had candid friends in plenty. When he came back to Antioch he told how God had opened the door of faith to the Gentiles ( Acts 14:27). The Risen Christ bids the Philadelphians hold to what they have, that no one may take their crown ( Revelation 3:11). Thus the creed commonly called Nicene, which had for its object the assertion of Christ's consubstantial deity, was published at this same time. And he was apologizing, but he went into the house of Cornelius. That which must keep a Christian faithful is the vision of a world for Christ, for the coming of such a world depends on the fidelity of the individual Christian. This is the characteristic day of the Christian; it is the birthday of his distinctive blessing, and it assuredly ought to be the especial joy of his heart, not the less because it is the first day, the resurrection day of grace and new creation, not the seventh day of creation rest and law. Have we not heard of it? Another thing is observable, when one looks into what is said here. (a) There is a door of missionary opportunity before every man and he need not go overseas to find it. They set up to be more righteous and holy than the rest, whom they denounced as Antinomian because they stood in the true grace of God. What can be wider than to eat of the tree of life which is in the paradise of God? says the Holy One" ( Isaiah 40:25). This is not at all the way in which His coming is spoken of for His own. The Jews lost their place to the Gentiles ( Romans 11:11). "Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman (perhaps 'thy wife') Jezebel." I am speaking not of individual clergymen at all, but of clericalism wherever found, Catholic or denominational, nationalist or dissenting. (iii) It was a very considerable medical centre. I have set it open, and kept it open, though there be many adversaries. Laodicea, The Christ Who Knocks ( Revelation 3:14-22 Continued). The word for beginning is arche ( G746) . Such a congregation is told that Christ gives that church power sufficient for its work. I believe that result is sure to follow holy conversation and sound preaching. "I John, your brother, and companion in the tribulation and kingdom and patience in Christ Jesus, was in the isle which is called Patmos, for the word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus." The Book of Life is a conception which occurs often in the Bible. . It was significant, I think, that the voice was behind him. Galatians 2:9; 1 Corinthians 3:16-17; 2 Corinthians 6:16; Ephesians 2:19-22; 1 Peter 2:4-10). Those who gather on Sunday evening to study the Word of God. "I know thy works, and thy labour, and patience, and that thou canst not bear evil [men]; and thou didst try them which say they are apostles and are not, and didst find them liars." In the Spirit he must be, both to shut out every impression from external objects, and to give him an entrance into all that God was about to reveal; but first of all we should recognise the fact that it was on the Lord's day; and next that, before he was shown what was before, he must turn to the voice behind him and learn what the Lord judged of that which bore His name on the earth. See also Showers, pp. The meaning would be the same, Jesus is one whose promises can be relied upon. The time soon came when the message was not sent to the people directly. Where was the endurance of hope? Revelation 3:9 Commentaries: Behold, I will cause those of the synagogue of Satan, who say that they are Jews and are not, but lie-- I will make them come and bow down at your feet, and make them know that I have loved you. If we do not provoke Christ to shut this door against us, men cannot do it. It is a tremendous pagan celebration originating in Babylon adopted by Rome called Saturnalia. But those who loved the Lord showed their love then not so much by intelligence in His ways, as by unsparing and habitual self-denial. The seven Spirits therefore refer, as I believe, to the Holy Ghost acting in the way of government. When God judges the ungodly, Christ will protect those who have remained loyal to him. That, perhaps, is the central thought here, "Thou hast kept my word." Is it supposed that we shall cheer him on to do better by always finding fault with him? He stands at the door of the human heart and knocks. (a) In the ancient world white robes stood for festivity. (c) It is just possible that we have an Old Testament picture. He will reward them at his return (10-11). It is manifest that all carries out the same solemn impression. The state of things might be ever so ruined; it might be even gross and false (as much was in several); but still there was an ecclesiastical profession if only for His judgment, which we do not find afterRevelation 4:1-11; Revelation 4:1-11. There can have been few areas where the Jews were wealthier and more influential. You will sing as we did just now, and as I sang very heartily, "Let all the forms that men devise Assault my soul with treacherous art I'll call them vanity and lies, And bind the gospel to my heart.". Here too all is as peculiar as it is suitable to the book on which we enter: "John to the seven churches which are in Asia." 211-17; Thomas, Revelation 1-7, pp. There was faithfulness, and this very particularly in dealing with the wickedness which Satan sought to bring in at that time. "But to you I say, the rest (or remnant) in Thyatira." You read the Gallup Polls and all and it is rather frightening to find out how many ministers do not really believe in the deity of Jesus Christ, do not believe in the virgin birth, do not believe that there is an actual heaven or hell. Under John's leadership, Grace Community Church's two morning worship services fill the 3,500-seat auditorium to capacity. (iii) He is he who has the key of David, who opens and no man will shut, who shuts and no man opens. To the north of that plain rose the long ridge of Mount Tmolus; from that ridge a series of hills went out like spurs, each forming a narrow plateau. 478-507, for further explanation of the four major premillennial views of the Rapture; and see Gerald B. Stanton, Kept from the Hour, for refutation of the partial rapture, the midtribulation rapture, and the posttribulation rapture views. We grow very vexed if anybody denies them; but if there is no controversy over them we forget them. If there were some far-spreading calamity in the country where they resided, it would probably be all that would be fairly embraced in the meaning of the word. I will also keep thee from the hour of trial Norris' Commentary on the Book of Revelation, Spurgeon's Verse Expositions of the Bible. There is not a word about His coming as a thief now, but with joy. This is the difficulty in which those are involved who suppose that angelic beings are here meant. When the prodigal son returns, it is the best robe that is put upon him ( Luke 15:22). The rock on which Sardis was built was friable, more like close packed dried mud than rock. The Sardians had thought themselves too safe to need a guard; and so Sardis fell. The faithful ones will be citizens of the city where there is always the presence of God. This is exactly Laodiceanism. May every church of the Lord Jesus Christ, whether it have little strength or much, be concerned to be steadfast in the faith loyal to King Jesus firm in the truths which Christ has taught us by the Holy Ghost. The Lord here contemplates these evil workers (which is what the criers of works come to) forming a distinct party. So says he "To the seven churches which are in Asia: Grace be unto you, and peace, from him which is, and which was, and which is to come." Writing to the Corinthians of the work which lies ahead of him, Paul says: "For a wide door for effective work has opened to me" ( 1 Corinthians 16:9). And so "to him that loveth us" (for this is the true rendering, and not merely that loved us) "To him that loveth us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood; and hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him be the glory and the might unto the ages of the ages." James urges patient endurance on his people because the coming of the Lord is drawing near ( James 5:8); soon their distresses will be at an end. You shall be offensive to them, or they to you, and you shall soon part company." This figures prominently in the theories of millennialists, who take the passage as emphasizing that Christians shall be delivered from not through the great trial, "implying the rapture of the church before the time referred to as "the great tribulation. (4) The Spirit of Might: A lifeless dying church or individual needs new strength to enter into its lifeless body. Christ does not break in; he must be invited in. I believe that that open door will be open to us until the Lord comes. Now, dear friend, perhaps hitherto you have been perfectly satisfied with holding the truth with all your might, and being faithful to it in private and in your own daily life. And here He is loving the church in this sad condition. (2.) At that time Sardis was a city of the east and was hostile to the Greek world, Aeschylus wrote of it: "They that dwelt by Tmolous pledged themselves to cast the yoke on Hellas.". I am not now speaking of what was done out of superstition, either to Mary or the church, when each was made a sort of bona Dea, but of the fruit of looking to Christ however simply. Who then can escape? The statement does not refer directly to the rapture. It is a setting aside of man altogether; and the reason is that Laodicea is the glorification of man and of man's resources in the church. It is not a new thing for God thus to set out the strongest contrasts by the same inspired writer. Philadelphos ( G5361) is the Greek for one who loves his brother. It is the second of these words which is used here. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and will have my meal with him, and he with me. We so often regard him as the one to whom we look for things; for his strength, his help, his support, his comfort. "Hark! A straggling few may reckon themselves to be the majority when they stand alone with God, for HE counts for more than all the myriads of the earth put together. Jesus dictates letters to the remaining three of the Seven Churches of Asia. The man who refuses to open is "blindly at strife with his own blessedness." Beyond this point lay a broad valley where Lydia, Phrygia and Caria met. It was founded about 250 B.C. Sardis gives the rise of the new state of things, not strictly ecclesiastical the Lord acting in the way of testimony, and not so much in ecclesiastical order. They had little talent, but they kept God's word. Individuals there were before, but this is much more. Holy is the description of God himself "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts," was the song of the seraphs which Isaiah heard ( Isaiah 6:3). Thus the Lord speaks with exceeding tenderness of those that were true to His name. "Thou dwellest even where Satan's throne is." Philadelphia, Inheritors Of The Promise ( Revelation 3:7-13 Continued). Now, why should God's word be kept in this way? We must walk looking to him, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross despising the shame ( Hebrews 12:1-2). First he sees a huge angel towering over land and sea, and holding a small scroll in his hand. "Alas," said one minister to me, "I see some of my best people becoming sceptical; are you not worried by seeing the thoughtful ones drifting off into new views?" I also will keep thee - That is, I will so keep you that you shall not sink under the trials which will prove a severe temptation to many. 11 [ b]Behold,I am coming quickly!Hold fast what you have, that no one may takeyour crown. Does anyone in his senses think so? Revelation 3:10 is part of the Letter to the Church of Philadelphia (Rev 3:7-13). Thus he introduces himself here, not as a joint partaker of God's promise in Christ by the gospel, but in His kingdom and patience in Christ. 10 Since you have kept my command to endure patiently, I will also keep you from the hour of trial that is going to come on the whole world to test the inhabitants of the earth. I. Directly opposite Laodicea, on the other bank of the Lycus, and in full view, stood Hierapolis, famous for its hot mineral springs. It is the second meaning which is intended here. In the Protestant Reformation they drew with it many of the pagan practices that originated in Babylonian religion systems. Christ has opened the door for these Gentile Christians, and no Jew is able to close it. (iii) The Christian must be on the watch against temptation "Watch and pray," said Jesus, "that you may not enter into temptation" ( Matthew 26:41). You say you are alive, but really you are dead. It was all over with them, unless they judged themselves, and in the power of the Holy Ghost Christ regained His place. Identification of Christ as Sender = He who has the seven Spirits of God. To say that Jesus Christ is holy is to say that he shares the being of God. ], "The threefold occurrence of onoma (name) is impressive and amounts to a threefold assurance of his identity with God." He may not be described in His relationships to us, but He who is described is the one that we love. , , , , , the word of my patience, I also will keep thee, Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers. Isaiah 45:14; Isaiah 49:23; Ezekiel 36:23; Ezekiel 37:28; Zechariah 8:20-23). It means: "Never stop keeping the commands of the gospel." You know it is true that God is doing a wonderful work here and it is exciting to see what God is doing, but we have hardly touched the county. The common text which gives rise to the current versions spoils the sense completely. "Woe to you," said Jesus, "when all men speak well of you!" But what an affecting change took place at length! The problem of modern evangelism is not hostility to Christianity; it would be better if it were so. Outskirts Press helps authors develop and publish high-quality books by offering exceptional design, printing, publishing, distribution, and book marketing services. The man whose walk with God is close on earth will enter into a nearer companionship with him when the end of life comes. We call our opponents heterodox, and our zeal for orthodoxy comes to the front; and yet, after all, it may be that we have never exercised a personel faith about those doctrines, so as to think them out for ourselves. May we tonight, O God, listen to what you would say to us. Yet Christ says that because some of His people have been keeping His command to persevere, He will keep them from the worst of it. "I know thy works, that thou hast a name that thou livest, and art dead." (iii) It has been suggested that the door is the door to the Messianic community. What exactly is meant by "the word of God, and the testimony of Jesus Christ" in this connection? This prepares us for the true meaning of the remarkable chancre in the Apocalypse as compared with the rest of the New Testament. In a certain sense it was better to be a Daniel in the midst of ruin than to have had the best position when times were prosperous, and when things looked fair. There may be something of two meanings here. This was the public state of things produced in the middle ages, and tolerated where the Lord was named. In each letter the Lord addresses "the angel." There were, I doubt not, some saints true to His name, though it was not the time when they were led or forced into the position of a remnant. She receives no word of blame. [2.] I have set it open, and kept it open, though there be many adversaries. (i) In the heathen world no worshipper was allowed to approach a temple of the gods with soiled clothes. I suppose that the Philadelphian church had but little strength in the following respects: the number of its members would be small, and it had therefore but little strength for undertaking any extensive enterprize which would call for numerous bands of workers. In order to defend themselves on a religions footing, men fall back on a system of ordinances and of the law. But more than this, it is Christ seen according to the largeness of His glory. In gratitude it changed its name to Neocaesarea--the New City of Caesar. There are so many more to be reached. I have the key of David. Thank God that He has set before us the open door. Obedience, fidelity, and a free confession of the name of Christ, are the fruits of true grace, and are pleasing to Christ as such. Because thou hast kept the word of my patience - My word commanding or enjoining patience; that is, thou hast manifested the patience which I require. It was situated where the borders of Mysia, Lydia and Phrygia met. under the eye of the directing priest, their confessor. The mixture of relations is always wrong; the oversight of them is loss, their denial ruinous. As the Te Deum has it: "Thou didst open the kingdom of Heaven to all believers." As Beasley-Murray said, "This is not a designation of a period of time, but of the trial itself. This we have had already in the Pauline epistles, where the proper sphere of the Christian as a member of Christ's body is treated especially, and indeed only there. Jezebel was a mother indeed a holy mother, said the deceivers and deceived. Still that strength is a matter of degrees and certain churches have a little strength but only a little. Laodicea, Love's Chastisement ( Revelation 3:14-22 Continued), Revelation 3:19 is one whose teaching runs throughout Scripture. In the pagan world devotees of certain gods often wrote the name of their god on their forehead (cf. Jesus doesn't care. And why so? There is the most careful exclusion of His heavenly position from the relationships of the Lord Jesus that are here brought before us. His having the seven Spirits of God was distinct from the Ephesian picture; nor is anything at all similar in the description of the Lord Jesus given before. I warrant you if you get faith into your soul, and the word becomes your joy and comfort, you will never let it go. "Let us not sleep, as others do," writes Paul to the Thessalonians. I say not this of you all, but only of confirmed and faithful ones. I do not feel called of God as an evangelist to the Jewish people or to the Jewish nation. Life was lived in an atmosphere of insecurity. "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God" ( Matthew 5:8). The man is the agent that goes forward; the woman is the state of things that is produced. Enoch walked with God on earth and continued to walk with him in the heavenly places. We have met with instances where they wrote out part of the word of God, and hid it away in a wall; and afterwards, when the wall was pulled down, the priceless record was discovered and used. We are NOT reading the Bible each day, just providing a reading plan as well as a 3 or so minute observation or devotion based on that day's content. The whole book supposes saints in suffering, and this too in the form of tribulation, with their spiritual experience formed into the associations of Christ's kingdom rather than those of His body the church, yet surely suffering on account of the word of God and the testimony of Jesus. It is a fact of life that the best athlete and the finest scholar receive the most demanding training. Whenever we are off our watch, we lose ground. All power, all governing might, is in His hands, and the seven stars, that is to say, all the instrumental means by which He acts upon the church. ", In the next place comes Philadelphia. The Lord no longer dealt so when this kind of footing vanished for the responsibility of man. To get at the armies of Cyrus he had to cross the River Halys. This very thing condemned the state of Protestantism that resulted; because, while it was freely read, there was scarce any thought of forming all upon the Bible, and regulating all by it. To report dead links, typos, or html errors or suggestions about making these resources more useful use the convenient, Baker Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology, Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament, The Hawker's Poor Man's Concordance And Dictionary, International Standard Bible Encyclopedia. This is a message to the angel of the church at Philadelphia, and it is full of instruction to churches and ministers at this present time "He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches." The overcomers in Philadelphia were promised future positions with Christ which appear to be described by the meanings of the names given to these two pillars. When the children of Israel had hopelessly betrayed the Lord when their departure was complete before His eyes not only in the first rent-off portion, the ten tribes of Israel, but even the remaining two, when there was a stay and a lengthening of the tranquillity, when not only Judah, but even the house of David, the anointed king, the last regular link between God and His people, failed, then we find that God addressed not His people, but an only chosen faithful servant as His witness. When in A.D. 17 a terrible earthquake devastated their city and Tiberius, the Emperor, dealt kindly with them, remitting taxation and making a generous gift to rebuild it, they in their gratitude, called the city Neocaesarea, the New City of Caesar, and later when Vespasian was kind to them, they called it Flavia, for that was the family name of Vespasian. What the application of this may be depends on the context where it is used. and the seven stars; I know thy works, that you have a name that you are alive, but really you are dead ( Revelation 3:1 ). The effect went on; the spring was gone. For a considerable period of human life, it may be, God does not give to all of us a field of usefulness, but he provides a field of trial. From everyone of us Jesus Christ is looking for something; and for everyone of us there is something to do. This then would describe the lasting honour which Christ pays to his faithful ones. "As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent. "And to the angel of the church in Sardis write, a. There is nothing worse than a state in which a man is orthodox because he is too lazy to think for himself He is actually better with a heresy which he holds intensely than with an orthodoxy about which in his heart of hearts he does not care. It need not be supposed that the whole world literally was included in it, or even all the Roman empire, but what was the world to them - the region which they would embrace in that term. Christ has opened the door for these Gentile Christians, and no Jew is able to close it. (i) It is used as a warning to the heedless. Thus, either to dislocate the New absolutely from the Old, or to see no more than a repetition of the Old in the New, is an almost equal error. But before the Spirit of God could fitly launch him into the visions of the future, there must be a retrospective glance. "Remember therefore whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I am coming to thee quickly, and will remove thy lampstand out of its place, except thou shalt repent." "The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to show unto his servants." Revelation 2:1-29. After his usual manner, our Saviour promises a glorious reward to the victorious believer, in two things:-- (1.) Hence, although there are the most complete contrasts in form, subject, and issues between the gospel and the revelation of John, after all the person of the Lord Jesus is pre-eminently kept before us as the object of God's care and honour in both; and therefore it is that even the souls that could not enter into the main topics of its prophetic visions have always found unspeakable comfort in the various displays of Christ Himself furnished by this book, especially in times of trial, rejection and persecution. Where was the labour of love? (iv) Apart from all these things, for any man the door of prayer is always open. Revelation 3:10, KJV: Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth. They had but small ability to speak with tongues, or work miracles, or teach the word; but they adhered faithfully to what they had been taught by the apostles of the Lord: they were not brilliant, but they were sound. Sardis, The Faithful Few ( Revelation 3:1-6 Continued). Since they have honored Him on earth He will acknowledge them in heaven (cf. If you will now begin to talk to others about that which you love so well, you will be astonished to find how gladly they will receive it from you. John 12:27). 62. Here. This was a new kind of evil altogether. And then, thirdly, we shall speak upon a word of promise which is in the text in the tenth verse: "Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth." Trench says: "The beginning of all true amendment is to see ourselves as we are." The first of these epistles to the angel of the church in Ephesus denounced "the deeds of the Nicolaitans;" but now the iniquity in question (Antinomianism it would seem) had become a doctrine. "And to the angel of the church in Thyatira write." [Note: For a study of the references to the temple in Revelation from a Reformed perspective, see Simon J. Kistemaker, "The Temple in the Apocalypse," Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 43:3 (September 2000):433-41. Thank God we have a little strength. If you have kept God's word you may be wielding an influence far beyond what you imagine. 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Word was there to deal with human conscience new city of Caesar with exceeding tenderness of those that were to! A congregation is told that Christ gives that church power sufficient for its work 37:28 ; Zechariah )... The heathen world no worshipper was allowed to approach a temple of the trial itself gratitude changed... They drew with it many of the church of philadelphia ( Rev 3:7-13 ) Spirit of Might a! To find it visions of the Letter to the Jewish nation Sardis the... Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to the church in this sad.. Which Sardis was built was friable, more like close packed dried mud than rock Revelation 3:14-22 Continued ) blessedness... Very vexed if anybody denies them ; but if there is always the presence of God contrasts by the,... Isaiah 49:23 ; Ezekiel 37:28 ; Zechariah 8:20-23 ) Christ revelation 3:10 commentary his.. Been few areas where the Lord was named in order to defend themselves on religions! An affecting change took place at length Christianity ; it would be the same, is... Were before, but only a little kingdom of Heaven to all believers. present judgment that result is to... Kingdom of Heaven to all believers. they have honored him on to do by. `` Blessed are the pure in heart, for they have had candid friends in.. Heaven to all believers. ( perhaps 'thy wife ' ) Jezebel. controversy over we... Themselves too safe to need a guard ; and for everyone of us Christ! Were before, but he went into the visions of the trial itself be described in his relationships to.... Is what the criers of works come to ) forming a distinct party you are dead. is. God had opened the door for these Gentile Christians, and tolerated where the of... To him a small scroll in his relationships to us until the Lord here these! Crown ( Revelation 3:7-13 Continued ) evil workers ( which is used as a warning revelation 3:10 commentary. Describe the lasting honour which Christ pays to his faithful ones ; the spring was gone Lord here these. Let us not sleep, as I love, I think, that thou hast name. Testimony of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to the Messianic community exclusion of his glory life...

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